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June 19, Please click here to improve this chapter. The charismatic former governor of California suggested that a once-proud nation was running on empty. But Reagan held out hope for redemption. More libertarian in its economics and more politically forceful in its conservative religious principles than the moderate brand of conservatism popular after World War II, the New Right had by the s evolved into the most influential wing of the Republican Party.
And it could claim increasing credit for Republican electoral successes. Building on the gradual unraveling of the New Deal political order in the s and s see Chapter 28 , the conservative movement not only enjoyed the guidance of skilled politicians like Reagan but drew tremendous energy from a broad range of grassroots activists.
Countless ordinary citizens—newly mobilized Christian conservatives, in particular—helped the Republican Party steer the country rightward. Enduring conflicts over race, economic policy, sexual politics, and foreign affairs fatally fractured the liberal consensus that had dominated American politics since the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, and the New Right attracted support from Reagan Democrats, blue-collar voters who had lost faith in the old liberal creed.
But the New Right harnessed popular distrust of regulation, taxes, and bureaucrats, and conservative activists celebrated the end of hyperinflation and substantial growth in GDP. Battered but intact, the social welfare programs of the New Deal and Great Society for example, social security, Medicaid, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children survived the s.